Slicejack at WebCamp Zagreb Conference
About a month ago (28.10. and 29.10.) we attended the 5th WebCamp conference in Croatia capital Zagreb.
What is WebCamp Zagreb?
WebCamp Zagreb is technology oriented conference for developers and designers and it was held in Hypo Expo XXI center. About 800 people attended the conference, mostly people from web development and design industries.
Besides high quality talks we were able to talk to the speakers. Also there was a lot of free time to meet new people from all around the world.
There were about 30 speakers on WebCamp, this is just small list of them: Graham Daniels, Hannes Van De Vreken, Anastasia Dedyukhina, Marco Pivetta, Nela Dunato, Radan Skorić, Zdeslav Vojković, Saša Jurić, Darko Kukovec etc.
Talks were very interesting, during the conference 2 halls were active (except keynote) so you were able to make a choice between them.
Exploring the city of Zagreb
Besides conference we used our spare time to explore the capital of Croatia, Zagreb.
Hub 385 co-working space
We’ve visited Hub 385 co-working space, the largest one in Croatia.
Turkish Restaurant “Abrakebabra”
Our turkish friends made sure to give us the best kebab in town. It was fun to eat delicious kebab with turban on our heads.
Beerhouse “Mali Medo”
After long and exhausting day we usually went to beerhouse “Mali medo” to try their craft beer.