HTML / CSS workshops by Slicejack

Last month we held two free HTML/CSS workshops. That was our first cycle of workshops for beginners.

Workshops were organised in partnership with StartupHR and Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FESB) in Split and we would like to thank them for the help they’ve provided.

Our goal and vision were to introduce web development to the youngest ones, students. It’s important to say that content was created for people without any experience in this field, HTML or CSS. Workshops were held in well equipped laboratory with 20 computers and about 30 people participated.

What did we talk about?

We did HTML and CSS for beginners. Focus was on foundations, we didn’t talk much about advanced things like HTML5, CSS animations and transitions.

On our first meeting we did HTML and we mentioned things like HTML tags, elements, structure, content etc.

Finally on second meeting we met CSS. CSS was used to have fun with colors, widths, font families and a lot of other things that CSS provides to us.


Here you can see a few photos from workshops.

About Alen Vuletic

Front-end developer from Split, Croatia. I love sports, nature and apple devices.